Welcome to Serenity Pastoral Counseling

Our mission is to help our clients find serenity, healing, and wholeness through pastoral counseling. Serenity is not just about finding peace. It is about managing life’s challenges with a sense of purpose and preparing to face the future with confidence. We endeavor to do all of this through the lens of Christian faith.

What is pastoral counseling and what makes it unique? Pastoral counseling is the integration of evidence-based psychological interventions with client-driven spirituality. It allows each individual to heal and grow in heart, mind, and spirit. This process is inherently hope-filled. We view each client as valuable, worthwhile, and capable. Contact Serenity today to schedule an appointment to begin your journey of hope.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.